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Published by on Tuesday January 9th, 2018. 

"Castroist-Chavist dictatorships are delinquency in political power" 


The Castro-Chavez alliance to recreate Castroism with Venezuelan oil and money rescued the agonizing Cuban dictatorship and birthed the Castroist-Chavist dictatorships in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia (with Ecuador now breaking away from it). They appeared as leftist political movements for the liberation of the people. Bolivarian, socialist movements that used violence, coups d'état, and elections to finish off political parties, leaders, and democracy. A reality check now reveals that the Castroist-Chavist system is nothing more that delinquency that has seized political power.

It is vital to differentiate and separate that which is "politics" meaning an activity of public service, from that which is "organized crime" and "delinquency." Politics with its ideologies, pragmatisms, imperfections, errors, crises, even tainted by corruption is one thing, but another very different thing is politics and power under the control of associated criminals who turn politics into their main instrument for the commission of crimes, the setting up of criminal organizations, the seizure and indefinite control of power with criminal objectives and for the sake of their own impunity.

*Attorney and Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy. 

Interamerican Institute for Democracy
2100 Coral Way Ste. 500, Miami, FL 33145
Tel: (786) 409-4554  Fax: (786) 409-4576